Making The Right Choice For Your Braces...

When it comes to the different types of braces, most people only think there's only one option. But there are in fact two main types of braces: metal and clear braces.

Braces are all made of the same components - brackets, wires, etc. - but how they are applied can be very different.

Book Appointment

Ready to get to work on your smile? Let's get in touch!

Breaking Down The Steps!


-Dr. Fathimani customizes a plan that's best for you
- Place Metal or Clear Braces
- Review how to brush and floss with braces


- Appointments every 8 weeks for wire tightening
- Watch your teeth move in their straightened positions


- Remove braces
- Retainers will be customized to keep your amazing new smile
-Dr. Fathimani will monitor for 1 year after treatment

Empower Metal & Clear Brackets

Types Of Braces...

Metal Braces:

Clear Braces:

Installing Your Braces

Changing Your Wires

Braces Starter Kit

Top 7 Elastics

Class I,II,III

Get The Facts Straight About Your Braces!

Take care of your braces, teeth and gums. Brushing and flossing around your braces is extremely important. With braces you need to brush 3 times a day, 3 minutes each brush and floss once a day! Use the dental aids provided in your kit. Make sure you keep up with your regular cleaning visits.

There are a lot of foods you can still enjoy with braces!

Dairy - Yogurt, soft cheese.
Bread - Muffins, pancakes, soft tortillas. Avoid crust breads and hard pizza crust.
Meat - Soft-cooked meat such as chicken, meatballs, deli meats. Cut all meat off the bone including chicken wings and drumsticks.
Fruit & Vegetables - Kiwis, bananas, oranges, applesauce, avocados, steamed vegetables. Avoid pits and cut apples and carrots into pieces instead of biting into them.
Other - Eggs, soup, tuna and soft seafood, mashed potatoes, cooked beans, noodles, pasta and soft-cooked rice. Avoid nuts, unless softened.
Treats - Jell-O, milkshakes, cake, pudding, smoothies, ice cream with no nuts. Avoid popcorn and granola bars.
Its common for a wire to poke your cheek or gums over the course of your orthodontic treatment. If you need relief at home, there are a few steps you can take to eliminate discomfort:

Broken Or Loose Bracket:
If the bracket is still attached to the wire, cover it with wax to reduce irritation to your lips or cheeks. Call us to schedule an appointment to have it repaired.
Pokey Wires:
These can be very bothersome but they do not always require an extra visit. Wax can be used to help hold the wire or use a nail clipper to cut the end of the wire if there is discomfort.
Warm Salt Water Rinses:
These can be very soothing to reduce irritations in the mouth. Rinse after the meals for a few days to help with healing.

Contact Us:


5045 Mainway Units 108 & 109
Burlington, Ontario
L7L 5H9


(905) 336-0777
